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The following information is being disclosed for the purposes of AIM Rule 26 and was last updated on 6th August 2024

H.C.Slingsby plc is incorporated in the UK and has over 130 years' experience in providing excellent service to its customers. We are one of the leading suppliers of industrial and commercial equipment in the UK (our main country of operation). Our current range is the largest ever, featuring over 45,000 products. HC Slingsby became a plc in 1961 and transferred from the Main Market to AIM on 24th May 2005. The only exchange on which the Company has applied or agreed to have any of its securities admitted or traded is the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange plc. There are no restrictions on the transfer of the Company’s securities. The Company has not applied or agreed to have any of its securities admitted or traded on any other exchange or trading platform. The company complies with the requirements of the Corporate Governance Guidelines for Smaller Quoted Companies published by the Quoted Companies Alliance from time to time, to the extent that they consider it appropriate. The company is subject to the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers, as published by the Takeover Panel and updated from time to time.


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