Washroom products
Keeping workplace washrooms clean and well-stocked is a big responsibility for any business, because if this vital task is neglected, the poor impression which poorly maintained and dirty facilities gives to both workers and customers can cost it dear.
Ensuring that your premises are well equipped and properly maintained is no problem when you choose Slingsby as the source of all the products you need. We can provide you with a wide range of items with which to fit out and equip your washrooms, be they fixtures, durables or consumables, meaning you don't have to look anywhere else.
Baby-changing facilities are widely prized by young mums and dads, and so planning your washroom areas to include these can leave people with a positive lasting impression of your company. We stock a range of changing stations along with nappy bins to help you cater customers needing them.
You can also find on our site a range of bins suitable for the clean and safe disposal of a range of waste items, along with every type of washroom product dispenser, for soap and towels, that you will need.If you want to go towel-free, however, we also offer you a wide choice of hand and face dryers so that you can choose one which is ideal for the level of use it will get in your premises.
Last, but not least, you can also buy from us a selection of products for keeping your urinals and toilets clean and useable, as well as for maintaining a clean and smell-free environment.