Prepare your workplace for winter

The winter season offers a number of challenges for people across the country. Conditions can be potentially difficult when cold weather and storms hit, as well as anything else Mother Nature decides to throw at us. As a business, maintaining operations when the weather's tough is a priority. This means that having preparations in place to cope with inclement conditions is a good idea. In the latest Slingsby blog, we take a look at 5 things businesses can do to winter proof their workplace and continue operations all winter long.

Grit and salt spreading for car parks and walkways

A bag and pallet with Slingsby salt

Snow and ice can wreak havoc on a business’ premises, making it difficult for people to come in and out of buildings and car parks.  

Snow removal therefore becomes a priority, as does ice removal. This is where items like grit and salt can pay huge dividends 

Having grit bins and salt spreaders can help your staff stay on top of the areas of a premises that need to be looked after. 

By salting and gritting car parks and walkways, you can help prevent slips and falls. Items such as snow shovels can also make a big difference, helping staff shift any unwanted build ups 

We really advise taking no half measures on this frontso ensure you have all the correct equipment and items you need. 

Ensuring indoor temperatures are ok

An infrared quartz space heater from Slingsby

One of the most obvious ways to keep your workforce safe and happy during the winter is to ensure that indoor areas are warm enough. 

In office areas and the like, central heating will usually do the job. But in areas such as garages, warehouses and other larger spaces, ensuring such heat levels are met can be tricky. 

This is where having a heater can make a big difference. Be sure to take a browse through Slingsby’s collection of indoor heaters and look to winter proof every area of your premises. 

Take flood prevention seriously 

A pair of flood barriers in front of a doorway

Though you may immediately think about ice and snow when it comes to winter weather, rain and flooding can be just as problematic. 

If your office or warehouse is in an area that is susceptible to floods, then make sure you take flood prevention seriously. Slingsby’s flood prevention range can help you to prevent damage should floods hit, while also offering you equipment that can help remove flood water that does build up. 

Look after any workers who are outdoors 

A regatta woolly hat from Slingsby

If part of your workforce is working outside in cold and unpleasant conditions, they should be supplied with the required level of workwear and protection 

You can pick up safety clothing and workwearfoot protection and hand protection items that can help your workers both stay protected, and keep their bodies warm too. 

Have a flexible approach to working from home if possible

In the modern day and age, companies that have a flexible approach to ways of working often garner higher levels of employee loyalty.  

One particular reason why employees may want to work from home is due to the weather conditions, and if roads are impassable then it may be a necessity.  

Therefore having a positive approach to remote working where possible and allowing staff to work from home if their role allows it can enable your company to continue operations regardless of what Mother Nature is throwing at you. 

Shop for workplace safety equipment at Slingsby 

When bad weather hits, be sure to analyse the specific situation and scenario facing your business and find the right combination of products to nullify any problems you may face. 

Be sure too to take a look at our delivery options here at Slingsby, and if you have any questions, simply get in touch with the Slingsby team.