Hand protection
Workers who regularly handle heavy or sensitive items of any kind in the course of their job appreciate the importance of being able to wear the right kind of gloves and armguards. That's why you should look no further than Slingsby.com to find a wide choice of gloves, gauntlets and sleeve and arm protection which is designed to be up to the job in all kinds of working environments.
The correct gloves and armwear are an important element of the right workwear in any workplace, and as an employer, you could fall foul of health and safety laws if you don't provide the correct hand protection for your workforce.
So by spending a modest amount on the right hand protection from Slingsby.com, you could save your business a hefty sum.
You can see details of all our hand protection products here on our website, and our illustrated product descriptions are designed to make it easy for you to match the right product with your needs.
Then, subject to your required items being in stock – as denoted by a green dot in the product description - you can have them delivered to your workplace on the next working day.